Southern Pacific Railroad Amateur Radio Club


Ham Radio Events!

Date Event Location Details Schedule
Weekly: Thursday RailHam Net (NC: K7SPR & on NetLogger) On The Air Time: 0130Z, 1830PT, 2130ET Frequency: 14.305Mhz at 0130Z then 7.237Mhz at 0200Z +/-5 for QRM on both. EXCEPT 14.300 WILL NOT BE USED
09/10/2023 September VHF Contest On The Air Visit 2nd Full Weekend of September
09/16/2023 Sacramento Valley Hamfest Lincoln, CA Visit 3rd Weekend of September
09/23/2023 Reno Ham Swap Reno, NV Visit Generally 4th Weekend of September
09/23/2023 Electronic & Ham Radio Flea Market Santa Rosa, CA Visit Generally 4th Weekend of September
10/07/2023 California QSO Party On Air Visit First Weekend of October
10/07/2023 San Diego Hamfest San Diego, CA Visit First Weekend of October
10/13/2023 Nevada QSO Party On the Air Visit 2nd Weekend of October
10/20/2023 Pacificon San Ramon, CA Visit 3rd Weekend of October
11/04/2023 November CW Sweepstakes On The Air Visit 1st Full Weekend of November
11/18/2023 November Phone Sweepstakes On The Air Visit 3rd Full Weekend of November
12/09/2023 10 Meter Contest On The Air Visit 2nd Full Weekend of December

SPRR Historical Events

These events mark the 6 significant events of the Southern Pacific's History. On these days, the club call of K7SPR will be used in an educational form on air.
Dates the Club Call will be used are January 12, January 13, May 1, July 21 to August 15, September 11, and October 13th.